Thursday, June 12, 2014

The One, True and Living God

We give you thanks, O God: we give you thanks, Trinity one and true, Divinity one and most high, Unity one and holy. (Liturgy of the Hours) BY THE PROPER USE OF OUR MINDS, we can discover and know that there must be a Maker of this world and an Author of Life. There must be and is a Creator and Lord, who is infinitely wise, all powerful, eternal and personal. The one who made us cannot be inferior to us: God cannot be a mere impersonal “force”. This all truthful God has in fact spoken to us. He spoke to our first parents. He spoke to Abraham and his children down through the ages. And finally God came among us, taking on our human flesh, becoming our brother and Saviour: Jesus Christ. Today’s feast celebrates our Faith, which is the true one, and its central mystery: one true and living God, in three Divine Persons, who share equally in being God, who each are equally and coeternally the Almighty. We are called to a share in God’s own supernatural life: called to be children of the Father and sons and daughters of Light; living branches on the true and fruitful Vine, Jesus Christ; temples of the Holy Spirit.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Epiphany -- the original feast of Christ the King On this day was born, in 1412, Saint Joan of Arc. Having accomplished her earthly, political mission, a mission which was of supernatural, prophetic, divine origin, she continues from the glory of Paradise, her continuing mission: apostle, teacher and defender of the social kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of the universe, and therefore the King of the Nations. In the cathedral of Reims, having obtained that the Dauphin, Charles, receive consecration as King of France, Joan suddenly asked: Sire, give me France! After her insistence, and his understandable hesitation, documents were drawn up, giving France to the Maid. She then said, "the Pucelle gives France to Jesus Christ". After some time in prayer, she then said: "Jesus Christ gives and entrusts France to King Charles, to be ruled in His (Christ's) Name". All real authority is from God, through Christ "from whom we receive everything that is good". It is not enough that some private persons from various nations adore Him. The nations as such must worship and obey Him.